The Artist

“In the way of the alchemist who, in the dead of night recasts the stone,
again and again … I’m looking to achieve “great work”
the work that makes us immortal, which crosses the ages.
While this is probably unattainable, the will is fundamental
and represents a goal that everyone should want to achieve,
to make sense and inspire an unfailing motivation in our short lives. “

Presentation :

I am a boundless admirer of the wonders and beauties in Nature, my paintings try to express it better, invite the viewer into the canvas and simply blend it with pleasure (see “Meditation”).
Recently, i’ve been much more involved approach, before the urgency of preserving our beautiful planet that’s in suffering and it’s time to respect and save our stupidity, because the punishment is simple … our demise (see “Tree Work”).
The paintings like “The Birth of Mother Goddess”, express the necessary return to our lost androgynous Being, the male principle, yang, dominates everything and explains the drift of our societies.
The Jewel is a double sense, our Earth was this gem and could be again, a proposal to change the egregore of mental pollution that surrounds the planet, then quickly change our thoughts, our words and our deeds and find back the “original jewel”.

Career :

Painter oil on canvas, inspired by the romantic masters of the 19th century.
I like the surreal legacy in the footsteps of Dali that I like.
After nine years of study at the Beaux Arts de Dunkerque (Flemish School), I am working on creating large-format oils on canvas.
Themes from Greek Mythology (Prometheus, Orpheus …), or involved in the respect for the Planet, and the Living World (Tree Work, A Tort and worship, the Abyss, the Jewel …).

Exhibitions :

Dunkerque :
Caisse d’Epargne, Coudekerque City Hall, Dunkerque Theatre, Loon plage, Gravelines’ Arsenal.
Nice :
Négresco Hotel 2006, Falicon Gallery, Park Inn Hotel.
Paris :
Beaubourg Center 1990/ Salon Animavie 2011.

Thuillier galery 2018

Belgium :
Mouscron, Courtrais, Ostende.
Andorra Principality :
Sport Hermittage Hotel, Soldeu 2011.
Magrie :
First Price, oil Painting 2010.
First prize in National Competition 2010 of Arts and Letters.

Thuillier prize National compétition 2017 of Arts and letters.

Last Selling : Négresco Hotel, Nice : “A tort et adore” : Mesnage / Augier Foundation